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GFI Digital

March Employee Spotlight

Each month we recognize an employee for their growth & continued success at GFI Digital. For the month of March we spotlighted one of our long time Service Managers in Illinois.

Meet Jeff Friese, Service Manager in Central Illinois. Jeff has been with the company for 23 years , and we thought we would catch up with him & hone in on how he has managed to stay successful in his role. We also asked him some fun questions about himself. Here is what Jeff had to say:

1. What is your favorite part of your job here at GFI Digital?

Taking care of our customers & members of my team. I really believe in our mission statement. I try not only developing & supporting them, I really try to get to know them. I try to build a solid relationship where they know they can count on me helping them work through their problems. I really enjoy working with sales to increase our base.

2. What was the best concert you ever attended?

Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. Grew up in the 70's. Need I say more.

3. Who has been the most influential person in your life?

By far my dad. I was the youngest of 6 kids. I saw him go through a lot of rough times but he always stayed positive. He taught me if you want something you work for it. Nothing comes free. He showed me how respect is earned. If you treat people right, respect them, in return they will respect you.

4.What was the longest trip you have ever taken? And where did you go?

Sheridan Wyoming. We went for a week for our 25th anniversary. Stayed in a bed & breakfast on the side of a Big Horn Mountain. Beautiful country. Will definitely go back.

5.What is a personal or professional goal you are currently working toward?

Professionally to continue to work towards having the best service team at GFI. I am blessed to work alongside 11 great guys. We have built a strong team with the main goal of taking care of our customers. Personally, if you know me its all about my grand kids. What ever and where ever they are, I want to be there. Some say I have the mentality of a 4-year-old so we see eye to eye.

Here is what his manager had to say about him:

“I met Jeff way back in 2004 at a Sharp Conference in Boston of all places. I remember admiring him for his knowledge of copy machines, his passion for customer service and he was really tall.Ten years later GFI purchased a small family owned company Bundy Business Systems. I’ll never forget that cold February morning when I walked into Bundy to meet the service guys and there stood Jeff Friese. I had not seen or heard from him in ten years but I knew right away we had a winner.Jeff is one of the hardest working, dedicated employees I have ever had the pleasure of working with. Under Jeff's leadership the Central Illinois Service team consistently performs at the highest levels and his support of the sales team has been instrumental in the rapid growth we have achieved in the Central Illinois market.” –Brian Pepin, Senior Service Manager

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