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Products and Services

Products and Services

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We have the latest technology in copiers & multifunction printers & provide world class service to keep you up and running.

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We can save you money! Print services reduce expenses and increase productivity of a printer fleet.

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We increase uptime! With our helpdesk administrators & support, IT is managed more efficiently.

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Our engineers are second to none. We will consult, design, implement, & support any advanced technology need.

"I have worked with GFI Digital for years. They do all of our printer/copier contracts and to date I believe we have done 30 plus contracts with them in Illinois alone in the past 5 years. They are the premier copier company in Illinois for couple of reasons. Number one: they offer the best price out of the gate every time, and number two: they maintain their machines better than anyone else. If the machine goes down, they get it fixed the same day most of the time. But, since they maintain the machines so well I rarely hear of them going down.”

-Hadley Philips, Unique Homes

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